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提供中醫全科門診的鄭智仁中醫(CHENG, CHI YAN) 和診所中心資料,服務包括傳統中醫理療,優質中醫內科、針灸、推拿及骨傷門診服務。本站提供最詳盡齊全的香港中醫資訊。

其他資料: 鄭智仁中醫博士是香港中醫藥管理委員會的註冊中醫。他擁有香港浸會大學中醫學學士學位(BChiMed),生物醫學理學士(一級榮譽)學位(BSc),以及中醫學哲學博士學位(PhD)。他致力於研究傳統中藥之現代抗炎、抗癌藥理及中藥的質量控制。他的研究涉及風濕病學、腫瘤學、中藥標準化以及中藥飲片質量控制等領域,其研究論文曾於Scientific Reports (Nature)、Journal of Investigative Dermatology (Nature)、Journal of Ethnopharmacology (Elsevier)、Pharmacological Research (Elsevier)、Biochemical Pharmacology (Elsevier)、Journal of Biological Chemistry (American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology) 及Journal of Proteome Research (American Chemical Society) 等國際醫學期刊中發表。 鄭醫師擁有多年大專院校及中醫培訓機構之教學經驗,他於香港理工大學專上學院擔任客席講師,教授中醫藥相關課程,並參與健康學副學士之中醫藥課程設計。他亦曾於國際中醫中藥總會擔任客席講師,教授香港中醫藥管理委員會認可之註冊中醫專業進修課程。 Dr. Brian Chi Yan Cheng is a registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner in Hong Kong. He obtained his bachelor degree of Chinese Medicine (BChiMed) and bachelor degree of science (BSc) in biomedical science in the Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU). He continued his graduate study on the pharmacology of Chinese medicine and completed his doctor of philosophy (Ph.D.) degree in HKBU. His research interests are in areas of rheumatology, oncology, and standardization and quality control of Chinese medicines. His research papers have been published in a variety of peer-reviewed international research journals e.g. Scientific Reports (Nature), Journal of Investigative Dermatology (Nature), Journal of Ethnopharmacology (Elsevier), Pharmacological Research (Elsevier), Biochemical Pharmacology (Elsevier), Journal of Biological Chemistry (American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology) and Journal of Proteome Research (American Chemical Society). Dr. Cheng has teaching experience in higher education institutions in Hong Kong. He has been a visiting lecturer in the Hong Kong Polytechnic University Community College, responsible for designing curriculum and delivering lectures about Chinese Medicinal therapy. He has also been a lecturer in the International General Chinese Herbalists and Medicine Professionals Association (an accredited Continuing Education in Chinese medicine Programme Providers) to give lectures to Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioners in Hong Kong.

收費: $400起三日藥

  • Listing categories 中醫全科門診
  • 專業資格 專業資格: 卓健中醫醫療中心醫務總監(中醫服務)Clinical Director, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Quality Healthcare香港中醫藥管理委員會註冊中醫(全科)Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner (Hong Kong) 香港浸會大學中醫學哲學博士PhD in Chinese Medicine (Hong Kong)香港浸會大學生物醫學(一級榮譽)理學士BSc (Hons.)(1st class) in Biomedical Science (Hong Kong)香港浸會大學中醫學學士Bachelor of Chinese Medicine (Hong Kong)香港理工大學專上學院客席講師Visiting Lecturer (PolyU HKCC)英國生物醫學研究院 (IBMS)院士Fellow of the Institute of Biomedical Science (UK)英國皇家公共衛生學會(RSPH)院士Fellow of the Royal Society for Public Health (UK)英國皇家醫學會(RSM)資深準會士Senior Associate of the Royal Society of Medicine (UK)香港免疫學會 (HKSI) 會員Member of the Hong Kong Society for Immunology (Hong Kong)
  • Location / Region 香港島/ 中環
  • Address 香港中環遮打道10號太子大廈5樓 520-523室

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